Bank of Dickson

Common Scams Happen Everyday

Learn to recognize the basic signs of scams!
  • Scammers pretend to be from a familiar organization or agency, like the Social Security Administration. They may email attachments with official-looking logos, seals, signatures, or pictures of employee credentials.
  • Scammers mention a problem or a prize. They may say your Social Security number was involved in a crime or ask for personal information to process a benefit increase.
  • Scammers pressure you to act immediately. They may threaten you with arrest or legal action.
  • Scammers tell you to pay using a gift card, prepaid debit card, cryptocurrency, wire, or money transfer, or by mailing cash. They may also tell you to transfer your money to a “safe” account.
  • Scammers request your eBanking credentials claiming they need that information to send you money!
  • Your computer starts acting “crazy” and you get a popup prompting you to call a bogus company for technical support. This is how fraudsters remote access into your computer and retrieve personal and financial information. They even ask you to log into your eBanking account so they can initiate a payment for their services. Do not call the number or interact with your computer! Turn your computer off and refer to a reputable company for IT help with your computer.
  • Here are a few things Banks would never ask:
    • We would not ask for your debit card PIN when verifying your identity or a debit card purchase. We use other means to verify your identity, and our debit card fraud center will only ask you to verify transactions!
    • We would not send an invoice or any document via text. You could receive a text to verify your identity or account alerts from eBanking.
    • We would not initiate a phone call with you, then ask you to verify your identity with your account or social security numbers. If you initiate the call to us, then we will ask you to verify your identity by providing us with your personal information.

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Time Flies!

Make sure to keep your account beneficiaries and contact information up to date.

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Avoid Fees!

Alerts are an easy way to avoid unnecessary fees.